
Training is available for all VMS Admin Roles! 

There are different VMS Admin Roles that are available depending on your Chapter’s needs. 

Each role requires the completion of a training session conducted by a member of the VMS Support Team before that level of VMS access is provided. 

Additional training can be arranged to cover any aspect of VMS needing a deeper understanding. 

Plan on up to two (2) hours, if needed, to cover everything you need to fulfill your role.  

Sessions are held using WebEx.

Please note that before taking any of the classes, you must: 

1) be a Member in Good Standing of your chapter, and 

2) have completed Initial Training and Initial Certification, and

3) be up to date on Dues (if required by your chapter) and Background Check passed, and 

4)  your appointment to the new VMS Admin role has been confirmed by your chapter President.

====== DESCRIPTIONS of ROLES =========

VMS ADMIN 101-HA: Hours Approver - Training Required for all new VMS Admins.  Each Chapter has to have at least two (2) VMS Admins to perform the duties of Hours Approver. Remember, you cannot approve your own hours. Depending on the size and needs of your Chapter, there could be more than two VMS Admins to approve hours and make necessary edits in VMS. This training covers all basic VMS navigation including Log Book and column search, hours approvals, standards for approving/disapproving hours, downloading VMS data into Excel, and Criminal Background Check monitoring - Allow 1.75 hours for the class although it may run shorter depending on participant needs.

VMS ADMIN 101-MD: Membership Director - Training Required for all new Admins.  Typically, the Membership Director will have the role of VMS Admin LBE which has the authority to override the 45-day restraint. It is not required, but each Chapter is allowed to have one (1) of their VMS Admin with this additional capability. The training provided to fulfill the role of Membership Dir is above and beyond the role of performing the hours approval duties. Please note, this training will be handled separately and AFTER the training needed to perform the duties of a VMS Admin as an Hours Approver has been completed. Training covers additional VMS navigation including additional Grids and Filters for re-certifications and awards, column search, member transfers, updating officers, onboarding new trainees, downloading VMS data, and Criminal Background Check monitoring - Allow 2.25 hours for the class although it may run shorter depending on participant needs.

VMS Read Only Training Required for all new Read-Only support Admins. As implied, this option allows access to VMS without any edit capability beyond changing your password. This training is for those who will be monitoring or making reports but who will NOT be changing data, entering profiles, approving hours, or sending emails through VMS. Consider this training for your Training Director and Advisors. Training is Not required if you have already taken Admin 101. - Allow 1.5 hours for the class. 

* Change in VMS Role. If someone who previously had Read Only access and was then appointed as a VMS Admin, training is required before the additional access is provided. If, however, a VMS Admin who had write access is changed to Read Only, no additional training is required but will be provided if requested. Please complete a Help Desk ticket with your request to change the role / access. 

====== Additional Training available =========

VMS Admin 201 - Optional training for those who have already taken VMS Admin training and are wanting deeper training into VMS techniques such as using and modifying filters and grids, automations, VMS email. Note: it is best to take 201 after working as a VMS Admin for about a month. - Allow 2 hours for the class.

VMS Reporting - Optional training for those who have already received VMS Admin or Read-Only training and are wishing to make better use of VMS reporting capabilities using Excel.  - Allow 1.5 hours for the class.

VMS Refresher/ Open Q&A - Optional training for those who have already received VMS Admin or Read-Only training and have specific questions or want to catch up on the latest issues and techniques. -  Allow 1.5 hours for the class.

WebEx Training - Optional training for using the TMN Webex system for virtual meetings. Suggested for Chapter Presidents, Training Class Coordinators, and others who will be running online classes and meetings for their chapter. - Allow 1 hour for the class. 

====== How to REQUEST TRAINING =========

Send your request via Helpdesk ticket OR send an email to tmnvms@gmail.com with the same information as detailed below. 

Go to the Help Desk at TXMN.org/help. Select New Support Ticket. Complete each field. 

Requester: Your email address. Preferable, the Chapter President who has appointed the new VMS Admins makes the request. If another Board member has been given this authority, please provide your title in the Description field. Please add the President's email in the Requestor field along with your email. 

*  Subject: Training requested for VMS Admin role

*  Chapter Name: Your Chapter's name.

*  Description

* Provide (all) recipient’s name(s). If more than one person in your Chapter needs VMS Admin training as an Hours Approver, it’s a great idea to have everyone meet at the same time to maximize the learning experience! 

* Provide an email address for each person. If the requestor (e.g. President) doesn't wish to be looped in after this point, then please indicate that too.  

* Specify the VMS Admin role in which they have been appointed (VMS Admin, VMS Admin LBE,  or Read Only). Add any additional areas to focus on if needed.  

* Please provide a few dates and times the recipients are available for the training session.  

Once a mutually available date and time has been found, two email responses will be sent. One will come from WebEx with a link to the session. The other email will be from the Trainer providing you with your User ID, temporary password, and documents to assist you in the training process. 

Please take some time to log in, practice, and review these documents before your training session. This will greatly enhance your learning experience! 

Please note, up until the day of training, your access in VMS will be limited to Read-Only. So, while you can log in and get the feel for the VMS interface, you cannot change any data yet. When we begin the training, your role's complete access will be enabled and you will begin 'driving'.  
