1. This is a new version (2024) of the VMS Admin Guide; be aware as the VMS software is updated, our procedures will undoubtedly change, so check frequently for updates.  New updates will be itemized here.  This guide has been reorganized, contains recent Help Desk questions and answers; image updates, and upgrade changes as we know of them. As we learn more about the VMS upgrade, we will begin to develop procedures and documentation for chapter admins.
  2. 30-June-2024: Updated instructions concerning not entering profiles for trainees (pgs 37,62)
  3. 30-June-2024: Updated prohibition to approving your own hours (pgs 66, 69, 72, 100 Appendix)
  4. 30-June-2024: Updated wording on vetting new trainees and checking for duplicate entries (page 36, 63)
  5. 11-April-2024: added clarification for reporting hours to VVSF and TMN Tuesday.
  6. 17-April-2024: updated the Regional WebEx account information.